Normal Delivery also known as Vaginal Delivery is when a person gives birth through their vagina. It's the most common method of childbirth. During a vaginal birth, the uterus contracts to thin and open up the cervix and push the baby out through the vagina (or birth canal).
Doctors prefer vaginal deliveries because its usually safest for the fetus and the birthing person. A vaginal delivery occurs most often between weeks 37 and 42 of pregnancy.
There are different types of vaginal deliveries: spontaneous, induced and assisted.
Painless normal delivery or delivery with labor analgesia (Epidural) is a technique where very specific concentration of drug is used. Although the drug reduces the pain, it maintains the ability to push your baby out through the birth canal. A needle and a very thin plastic tube (epidural catheter) are involved in this technique.The drug to reduce your pain is continuously administrated through this tube with the help of aninfusion pump.The primary aim of the epidural is to reduce the pain of contractions to an acceptable level. Epidural analgesia usually, also reduces the pain completely when your baby is delivered.
Advantages of Epidural Analgesia or Painless Normal Delivery –
The epidural analgesia lasts for as long as the catheter is in place and the woman receives the medication through it. However, a woman stops receiving the medication once her baby is delivered and the catheter is removed. In general, it takes around two to four hours for the numbness to wear off based on the dosage.
Routine vaginal delivery refers to the delivery of a baby through the birth canal without surgery. Women will experience contractions which indicate the beginning of labor and the cervix begins to widen (dilate). When the uterus is fully dilated, the baby’s head will begin to appear and the baby will come out of the vaginal canal.
Routine vaginal delivery is for women who do not have complications such as carrying more than one child or carrying a baby that shows signs of distress.
After your delivery, you will be able to hold your baby. If your baby has special needs or any medical problems, your baby may be moved to another unit or room. For vaginal delivery, your hospital stay will generally last for up to 48 hours. Your recovery from childbirth depends on your circumstances. You may experience any of the following: