Medical Termination of Pregnancy ( MTP)

  • The gestation limit for abortions has been raised from the earlier ceiling of 20 weeks to 24 weeks, but only for special categories of pregnant women such as rape or incest survivors. But this termination would need the approval of two registered doctors.
  • All pregnancies up to 20 weeks require one doctor’s approval. The earlier law, the MTP Act 1971, required one doctor’s approval for pregnancies upto 12 weeks and two doctors’ for pregnancies between 12 and 20 weeks. The approval of two doctors is now needed only for the 20-24 timeline reserved for abortion seekers of special categories.
  • Women can now terminate unwanted pregnancies caused by contraceptive failure, regardless of their marital status. Earlier the law specified that only a “married woman and her husband” could do this.
  • There is also no upper gestation limit for abortion in case of foetal disability if so decided by a medical board of specialist doctors.

Who can avail MTP (Pregnancy Termination)?

  •  Above 18 years of age
  •  Pregnancy duration is below 24 weeks (approx 5.5 months - second trimester)
  •  No Parental/Spouse Consent is needed
  •  All Adult Women (Married/Unmarried) can avail


A. Medical abortion is done to terminate an unwanted pregnancy before 8-9 weeks. The following can be the primary reasons for the same:-

  • To complete an incomplete miscarriage.
  • If a woman has a particular health condition, that will continue the pregnancy life-threatening for her.

Whatever the reasons for undergoing medical abortion are, you should always undergo this procedure at an MTP registered clinic under the supervision of a licensed and experienced OB-GYN.

Abortion is a day-care procedure. The patient can get admitted to the hospital in the morning and leave in the evening. Practically, one week of proper rest is enough for the patient.
Although rare, at times post abortion, the patient might face hormonal imbalance due to which menstrual cycles could get affected. This usually resolves on its own
If the surgery is done from a good hospital, wherein the infection control mechanism is very efficient, no complications arise after an abortion. The patient might develop several complications like infection, septicemia, uterine perforation, bowel injuries in case of improper Hygiene.

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